Southie Development News: 748-750 East Broadway (at corner of L)

Universal Hub reports that the Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) approved plans to replace what is now a vacant lot L and Broadway with a four-story building, with 9 apartments and retail on the ground level.

Originally, the developer, Joey Acari (who also owns The Broadway and the Playwright), wanted to put another bar/restaurant in that spot, but there was lots of community pushback.(You can check out the recording of a community meeting that took place back in 2021 about this project here. )  So now the ground level will be some sort of retail business – just not a bar/restaurant.

This proposal received support from City Councilors Ed Flynn, Michael Flaherty and Erin Murphy plus US Rep. Stephen Lynch and the City Point Neighborhood Association.

Image Rendering by Sousa Design


  1. Alphonsus Roche January 13, 2023 at 3:05 pm - Reply

    Any way to ask dog lovers to respect Tommy Butler park no dogs allowed. All other parks are lost can we save this one from the inconsiderate people that leave their dog mess we’re many families walk

  2. Tina January 17, 2023 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    Hope there is parking for the new residents

  3. Ken March 18, 2023 at 6:46 am - Reply

    @#%,** the new residents, we don’t have parking enough for the current residents!!!!

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