Caught in Southie – South Boston’s Neighborhood Magazine
Rich in history, with a strong and proud Irish-American heritage, South Boston has it all from beaches and historic landmarks to old school spots and new + trendy restaurants! From its gritty roots to its influx of new residents, it is the melting pot of all you want a neighborhood to be. At Caught in Southie, we share with you all the things we love about South Boston like places to eat, new business scoop to what’s fun to do this weekend. Plus we keep you informed on the latest neighborhood news. We also introduce you to some of our favorite local people and share some history and nostalgia with you too. We live and breathe Southie – that’s our mission.
Consider it our love-letter to South Boston and its residents.
Caught in Southie was founded by two Southie girls – Maureen Dahill and Megan Lee. They love South Boston so much they dedicated an entire website to it! They consider it their love-letter to South Boston and its residents. Enjoy!
Do you have something to share with us?
Let us know. Whether it’s a new restaurant, a bar with a really great trivia night, a nomination for Character of the Month, or just an old fashioned juicy rumor, we’d love to hear from you!
Want to write a story for us, compose a blog, take some photos or create a video for Caught? We’d love to hear from you!
Don’t agree with us or find a mistake? Keep it to yourself! Just kidding! We want to know about that stuff too!
Just email Maureen at [email protected].
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Now that we got that outta the way, go enjoy the site!