Development Watch:Life-Science Facility on A Street
Here are CIS, we know how to connect the dots.
Back in October we reported that Procter and Gamble, decided to sell off 40 acres of land it owns after the successful sales of two smaller parcels to a developer Anchor Lines Partners. This 40 acres is located down the street from Coppersmith and then the parcel right next door that sold back in May….also to Anchor Lines. So it should be no surprise that a giant development is being proposed for this neighborhood by none other than Anchor Lines. Initially we suspected another condo development coming our way but we were wrong about that.
According to the Boston Business Journal, Alexandria Real Estate Equities and Anchor Line Partners are proposing a six-story, 210,000-square-foot life-sciences building on A Street with the Boston Planning and Development Agency. The building would reach 95 feet in height and with a 35-foot mechanical penthouse.
Lots of changes coming!
Boston Planning Department Meeting to Discuss 243-245 Dorchester Street Project
Boston Planning Department Meeting to Discuss 776 Summer Street Phase 2
Design plans have been submitted for 776 Summer Street aka the old Edison Plant