No Overnight Parking on Day Boulevard (beach side)
Lots of changes have been happening since the summer to make Southie streets a little safer. Day Boulevard in particular has undergone many changes including a new speed hump pilot program, a reconfiguration of the roadway resulting in one motor vehicle travel lane in each direction with new bicycle, pedestrian, and parking accommodations, and upgraded traffic signal and sidewalk infrastructure. With the news of new parking, Southie erupted in thankful joy. But when new signage went up this week along the beach side of Day Boulevard between I and O, residents began scratching their heads. No overnight parking. But why?
We reached out to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in regards to the no overnight parking on the beach side on Day Boulevard and they sent the following:
The existing resident overnight parking areas have been maintained and new visitor parking areas have been created along beach side sections of Day Boulevard between I Street and O Street.
DCR is working to ensure there is ample parking for regional visitors looking to access the beaches and recreational facilities of South Boston. There is no overnight parking allowed on the beach side of William J. Day Boulevard. Prohibiting overnight parking on the reservation/beach side will ensure spaces are available to residents and visitors for day time use. Furthermore, the movement of cars off the boulevard in the evening will allow for the necessary periodic maintenance and sanitation functions such as litter collection, trash removal, street sweeping, beach raking, and snow and ice removal.
So there you go!
Im confused, does this mean if yourheading on DAY BLVD ( towards castle island) you can park on tbe RIGHT HAND SIDE ( the “L” STREET BATHOUSE SIDE) ?
I agree. i am also confused because it was explicitly said when they made the lane changes earlier in the year on Day BLVD from 2 lanes to 1 lane, no resident parking would be affect. This is a direct lie from that previous claim and we should demand answers.