Speed Hump Pilot Program on Day Boulevard

1.4 min readBy Published On: September 22nd, 2018Categories: News3 Comments on Speed Hump Pilot Program on Day Boulevard

“My humps, my humps…”

On Thursday, MassDOT announced a new speed hump pilot program on Day Boulevard has been launched. The speed-humps pilot program consists of temporary devices that span the width of the roadway in order to help reduce motor vehicle speeds. These devices will remain in place at locations along Day Boulevard until November 15, when they will be removed to accommodate the upcoming snow and ice season. MassDOT and DCR will analyze traffic flow and speed limit compliance using speed feedback signs that will also be installed along Day Boulevard, and will utilize this data to help inform long-term decisions regarding roadway infrastructure. 

Other new improvements to Day Boulevard have included a recent reconfiguration of the roadway resulting in one motor vehicle travel lane in each direction with new bicycle, pedestrian, and parking accommodations, and upgraded traffic signal and sidewalk infrastructure.

These improvements are the result of the combined findings of the South Boston Waterfront Sustainable Transportation Plan and a recent Day Boulevard Road Safety Audit, which found a need for improvements and concluded that traffic volumes did not warrant the previous four lane (two lanes in each direction) configuration for motor vehicle travel. Construction activities occurring now had originally been scheduled for 2019 but have been accelerated based upon public feedback and input received over the past several weeks.

So there you go!

MassDOT and DCR appreciate the cooperation and patience of the traveling public as transportation infrastructure is improved. Members of the public are encouraged to utilize the appropriate technology tools including mass511.com, MassDOT’s GoTime travel app, and other wayfinding resources to find the most appropriate route, mode, and timing of travel during construction operations.



  1. Oldtimesouthie September 20, 2018 at 7:51 pm - Reply

    Great news…

  2. Not so New to The Hood September 21, 2018 at 9:19 am - Reply

    They’ve also added a couple state troopers to monitor L & 4th area. I think some stop signs would suffice, troopers have already gotten their fair share and then some…

  3. Eleanor September 24, 2018 at 8:38 am - Reply

    I saw them……I thought having them at the intersection controlled by a light was curious only because people are slowing down or stopping there anyway? …..also –not sure I saw signs warning that they were there (I may have missed them–didn’t notice that there were any there).

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