City Councilor Ed Flynn Writes Letter to BPD Commissioner Cox re: Drag racing, dirt bikes, and dangerous stunts in neighborhood streets

Below see a letter written to BPD Commissioner Cox re: Drag racing, dirt bikes, and dangerous stunts in neighborhood streets.  You can check out a video of the “situation” here. 

See letter below:

Flynn Letter re Drag Racing, Dirt Bikes, ATVs


  1. Richard Berrio April 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm - Reply

    There had to had bn a reason ( Concert, Esplanade show, someone visiting town etc. These knuckleheads didn’t decide to head to back bay with cars and all there was a party or whatever. Hopefully due to “ the residents t bothered this time” something will be done? Ed Flynn knows BTD can’t do anything about this problem ( he actually may fool that area but what can BTD due? Laws nd to be passed that takes there vehicles ( if there thers that is! They nd to. teach these kids u get caught doing this foolishness . You don’t get DL for 5 yrs n ur bn fined $5000 something stiff. The police have already bn reprimanded for being to forceful etc. A trooper lost his job . Half these bikes are stolen and if not find out who selling them to kids. Like many many things in our entire country. If a kid is under 18 , we nd to start coming down on there parents. Do you remember if ur child was caught selling drugs on BPH property the kids entire family was thrown out of BPH housing. That helped tremendously proving if the parents really care they can control there kid one way or another. If nothing happens , nothing happens! Give law enforcement more leeway when needed.

  2. Richard Berrio April 25, 2024 at 5:35 pm - Reply

    It’s actually cowardly of Flynn to press BTD in these clowns acting like fools in Back Bay, he knows many of those residents think BTD can do something . What’s one thing they could do?Flynn get on the parents and let the police punish these clowns where they are normally acting up!

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