Letter to Boston City Council from South Boston Neighborhood Associations re: Redistricting Map

October 24, 2022
Members of the Boston City Council –
We are reaching out, in unity, to oppose any redistricting map that further separates the South Boston neighborhood. Currently the Maryellen McCormack Housing Development and a portion of Andrew Square’s Polish Triangle is part of District 3.
Proposed maps eliminate our BHA neighbors in Anne Lynch Homes at Old Colony – West 9th Street senior housing – West Broadway public housing, as well as the Andrew Square neighborhood. They divide the South Boston community. An interconnected, compassionate and caring community that works together to lift each other up.
The optics of this decision would also set us back to the ills of the 1970’s as the majority of residents in these housing developments are people of color. We consider our diverse demographics to be a strength, a source of pride and something redistricting should highlight and maintain. The BHA and Andrew Square residents are part of the fabric of our community, and separating us would be a huge injustice for us all.
On behalf of our community, in particular our residents in public housing, we ask that you do not divide us.
Andrew Square Civic Association
Cityside Neighborhood Association
City Point Neighborhood Association
Fort Point Neighborhood Association
Gate of Heaven Neighborhood Association
St. Vincent’s Lower End Neighborhood Association
West Broadway Neighborhood Association
cc: Mayor Wu
CC Redistricting
Here’s a recap from the Emergency Meeting held last week.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
…proposed these obviously and abhorrently vile, racist changes they would be crucified in the media as well as in the court of public opinion.
This is a repulsive plan meant only to widen the chasm of race relations, which is already a tinderbox. Any soulless ghoul (and they are indeed among us) who fans these flames of hatred and vitriol should be instantly removed from public office and incarcerated. But then that would be the polar opposite of their agenda, now wouldn’t it?
My God what has become of my city……