Department of Conservation and Recreation – Please do better
Good grief
On Monday, I went for a brisk walk along Day Blvd around Castle Island with Peter G. At M Street Beach, we spotted a small black trash literally bursting with dog poop bags in every color of the rainbow. “Maybe DCR should empty that trash can,” I said.
Well, they didn’t because on Thursday, Tim Hayes shared this photo of the same trash can. First, is there a reason that the DCR is not emptying trash cans? I know – for whatever reason – they remove most of their public trash cans from parks and beaches. Clearly they are not emptying them. #Gross
Second, dog owners – if you see this situation, maybe carry your dog poop bag home with with you? Don’t be part of the problem – be part of the solution.
So is this the situation we as residents just need to deal with until the spring? Is this still part of the pandemic rules and regulations of park and beach use? If that’s the case, signs need to be put in place. If it’s not the case, someone needs to empty the trash can. Either way, DCR, you need to do better!
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