Name that Building Contest Winner

0.7 min readBy Published On: August 15th, 2016Categories: Living2 Comments on Name that Building Contest Winner

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!  Remember back in June when we announced a contest where participants could name the new building at 11 Dorchester Street in Southie.  Well, the powers that be have announced the winner!  Drum roll please….the name of the building is Eleven on the Dot submitted by Southie’s own Paul McCormack!  For the name, Paul wins a sweet $1000!    $1000 is courtesy of Joyce Lebedew Real Estate! (FYI Paul followed the rules and entered his submission via our comment section.  Posting submission on social media did not count.)

So there you have it!  Eleven on the Dot!  The building is still under construction.  The 30-unit residential building will have a new 130 seat restaurant named Republic complete with full bar, a seasonal open-air atrium with a bar and fire pits.



  1. Jumpin August 15, 2016 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    How bout uglyness!

  2. Kevin August 15, 2016 at 3:59 pm - Reply

    As a resident of Castle Heights – I love this name . Congrats Paul !

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