Local Pols Aren’t Happy with Lack of Transparency Re: Mass. Convention Center Authority Board

Recently, the Mass. Convention Center Authority put out a request for proposals to develop three lots, making up more than six acres on D and E streets next to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in South Boston.  The lease would be for 99 years.

Two local developers have submitted bids for mixed-use developments. They include a potpourri of features to sweeten the pot, like a grocery store, retail, life science buildings, and a landing pad for “flying taxis” that haven’t even been developed yet.

Wait, wut? Flying taxis? Yes, flying taxis.  You can read about the proposals here. 

The bidding process to develop this part of the neighborhood is not without controversy.  The elected officials from South Boston wrote to David Gibbons, Executive Director of the Mass. Convention Center Authority a letter in opposition to leasing the land.

On Thursday, City Councilor President and Southie resident tweeted this statement:

Another letter was written recently, on February 15th, by our elected officials to Secretary Gorzkowicz, Chief Groffenberger, and members of the Board in opposition to the 99-year lease. See below:




  1. Ellie Kasper February 16, 2023 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    The South Boston Civic Associations joined together as well and sent a letter to Gov. Healey in reference
    to the blatant disregard of public process and total lack of community input by the leadership team at BCEC.

    • Curtis Carroll February 16, 2023 at 5:00 pm - Reply

      This land grab has gone on for quite a while, something or someone (Gov. Healey), must act to put a stop to this!

  2. Tommy February 19, 2023 at 3:45 pm - Reply

    As opposed to all the times they regard the public process?

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