Two juveniles arrested at Mass + Cass on Trafficking and Gun Charges

From BPD News:

At about 5:50 PM on Friday, June 18, 2021, officers assigned to District D-4 (South End) made an onsite warrant arrest of a 17-year-old male of Boston while in the area of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard. The firearm probation violation was issued out of Middlesex County.

As officers approached suspect #1, he attempted to flee on foot while clutching the area of his waistband. Suspect #2, attempted to help Suspect #1 conceal the item which officers observed to be a large capacity magazine protruding from the juveniles’ pants.

Both suspects were quickly apprehended in the area of the Sunoco gas station on Massachusetts Avenue.The firearm was found to be a loaded Glock 9MM with one round in the chamber and nine rounds in the magazine.

Suspect #1, 17-year-old juvenile was arrested and charged with Delinquent to Wit: Carrying Loaded Firearm on a Public Way, Delinquent to Wit Unlawful Possession of a Firearm 2nd Offense, Delinquent to Wit: Unlawful Possession of Ammunition, Delinquent to Wit: Unlawful Possession of a Large Capacity Feeding Device, Delinquent to Wit: Possession of Class D

Suspect #2, 16-year-old juvenile was arrested and charged with: Delinquent to Wit: Trafficking Class A 14-27 grams), Delinquent to Wit: Disorderly Conduct and Delinquent to Wit: Resisting Arrest

Both juveniles are expected to be arraigned in Boston Juvenile Court.

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