Sign of the times – Goodbye big red house!

0.5 min readBy Published On: June 18th, 2014Categories: News1 Comment on Sign of the times – Goodbye big red house!

In less than three hours, the big red house that stood at 945 East Broadway was demolished on Tuesday, June 17th.  The single family home was unique to South Boston thanks to the lush and rolling green lawn. 

It is rumored that the property was sold for over $3 million dollars and that 10 condos will replace it.

All that’s left.  (Thanks Courtney Sheppeck for photo!)

In the words of Boyz II Men, “It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.”  



One Comment

  1. Bridget June 18, 2014 at 2:33 pm

    Growing up in the 50s & 60s around the corner from the red house, it was always an icon.   The color never changed nor the landscaping.   My mother always said she would give anything to live there if an when we made out millions and could move out of Twomey Court.   How sad to see it demolished.

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