Red Line at Broadway Station Attack Update
Four people have been charged in the Red Line attack at Broadway Station this week. Another will be arraigned on Friday. On Sunday, March 9th at 9pm, five people participated in a brutal attack on a 40 year-old male passenger and four teenage passengers. Video footage, taken by a passenger, captured multiple people attacking the victims inside the train. The man is shown being pushed, thrown to the floor then kicked and punched repeatedly. The teenage victims intervened trying to help the male victim before the suspects turned and began attacking them too.
According to reports, the physical altercation began after a verbal argument started between the male victim and the group.
Apparently three of the five alleged attackers in the Red Line brawl on March 9th are no strangers to the law.
The Boston Globe reports, Kevin McCarthy, 21, of South Boston was charged with aggravated assault and battery and assault with a dangerous weapon. Patrick J. Joyce, 24, of Dorchester was charged with three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
McCarthy was convicted of participating in an unprovoked beating of three men in South Boston in May 2011. According to the DA – McCarthy has a real problem with “yuppies”. Joyce was on probation for motor vehicle homicide.
Michael Capuzzo, 20, of South Boston, who is facing an assault and battery charge in the Red Line attack, was already facing charges that he stabbed someone in the neck. Gheesh.
Two other suspects, Michael Davis, 36, of Quincy and Kristine Mullen, 20, of South Boston, were charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
FYI: The dangerous weapons in all of the charges were their shod feet, which they used to kick the victim.
From the Boston Globe:
South Boston District Court Judge Michael Bolden declined to order additional bail for any defendant, releasing Michael Davis of Quincy and Kristine Mullen of South Boston on personal recognizance, Patrick Joyce of Dorchester on $400, and McCarthy on $500, the DA’s office reports. Bolden did order the four to stay away from the T and not contact the victims while their cases are pending, but declined a request from prosecutors that they also refrain from drinking. Maybe giving up drinking might be a good idea?
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Have a nice long stay in jail! -Yuppies of South Boston
First of all, this rather dumb story has been way overreported. Junk like this happens on the MBTA and public transportation all over the world multiple times a day and most of it goes unnoticed. Why do you think that is? Oh yeah, because if we can make Southie and its people look like shit, why not, right? Why bring back the same horrifying ways of the times of forced bussing where the slurs like “Southie racists” flew freely? Get a grip! I guess we like going backwards. Southie has been a really hot backdrop for a lot of rubbish these past few weeks, and I think we need to all smarten up. This is a disgrace. No one here, especially the ignorant self-identifying yuppie in the first post, even knows the whole story. We only know what the Southie-hating media has reported.
I have no problem with newcomers to area; Southie is great, and I have no problem sharing. We all get it! Why don’t you pick your heads up from your smartphones and make some human to human contact? Get to know us. I know for a fact that all of this animosity stems from the lack of contact between generational Southie residents and the people who haven’t been here for very long. Look up not down! Smile! Cut the shit with all of this junk that we’re ignorant and closed minded; we are smart, hard working, and caring individuals with strong pride and spirit. Don’t let a small few represent the many and stop judging people you don’t know. I think you’re all afraid to realize it and see it for yourselves. No one is perfect, we get it, but jump off your high horses and grow a set. Imagine how great of a community we really could be if more people knew each other and not reverting back to their large campus ways of walking by everyone without a smile or hello. Enough is enough!