Mustang on the loose in Southie
The car….not the horse. At approximately 5:15 pm, a person behind the wheel of a Mustang decided to go bananas and tear up Castle Island and the Sugar Bowl.
The driver crashed into and knocked over tables in front of Sully’s in addition to part of the fencing at James F. Dahill Harborview Park leading out to the fish pier. (And yes, James F. Dahill was my grandpa!)
The State Police were hot pursuit and according to one witness, “the front of the ‘stang was all cracked up” from the damage it had done.
The witness was unable to get a picture of the car, because they had to hop out of the way! Yikes. The State Police were able to box in the car at the WWII Memorial near the entrance of the Sugar Bowl.
More to follow!
Maybe an East Boston HS football fan???? LOL
One of the “kids” in my Dorchester/Uphams Corner neighbor took his Corvette for a ride out to the Sugar Bowl in the late ‘70s. It was a unfortunate tragedy. RIP.
This thug will meet his fate in the hands of God and at the feet of the legal team up the South Boston court house. And I believe they will do their job. Thank you Mr.Belichick for that classy comment.
OMG!!!! Jimmy Dahill would be dialing up a fastball for this thug. Who does he think he is? Seabiscuit? No way Jose. There is no dramatic ending for this Macgyver wannabe. He literally took his out of control stang around the track into the final gallop straight for a jail cell. Now what you as k? How about sharing a cell with Bubba or cuzin. If you ask me he is screwed.
OMG!!! Jimmy Dahill would be dialing up a fastball for this thug. Who does he think he is? Seabiscuit? No way Jose. There isn’t a dramatic ending of a movie for this idiot. Only sharing a jail cell with “G”. Goodluck at South Boston District Courthouse Macgyver.