Listen up Southie Dog Owners

1 min readBy Published On: December 3rd, 2015Categories: News2 Comments on Listen up Southie Dog Owners

The Park Rangers Have a Message for You:

Boston National Historical Park is gearing up for the winter holiday season and is asking for the cooperation of pet owners in the community to keeptheir dogs on leash and to pick up after them.

The National Park Service has regulations that require dog owners to leash their dogs and pick up after them at Thomas Park on the Dorchester Heights Monument grounds and law enforcement rangers will be enforcing these regulations. Violators are subject to fines for each offense.

Unleashed dogs can be intimidating to adults, children and other dogs, they get into people’s trash, and they sometimes drink contaminated puddlewater. Picking up after your dog and using a leash shows consideration for other park users and respect to the Bunker Hill Monument National Historic Site.

To make this effort successful, the National Park Service needs the South Boston community’s help in keeping this historic site clean and safe for

Please keep other park users in mind by picking up after your pet and keeping it on a leash when using Thomas Park and the Dorchester Heights Monument

Consider yourself warned. 


  1. billy collins December 4, 2015 at 12:25 am

    This is what our neighborhood has come to? Asking people to do something they should already be doing. Let their parents come visit and clean up after their kiddies doggies messies .

  2. Anonymous December 4, 2015 at 2:26 am
    What about Mst.Park?
    A lot of arrigant owners up their. Im almost ready to bring my pet Bobcat up there to keep some dogs in line.

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