Letter from City Councilor-at-Large Michael Flaherty and City Councilor Ed Flynn

Dear Friend,

This is City Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty and your District 2 City Councilor Ed Flynn. We hope you are doing well and staying healthy and safe during this unprecedented time. There is an important election on Tuesday, September 1st and we need a strong Southie vote for our neighbors, Congressman Stephen Lynch, State Senator Nick Collins and State Representative David Biele. They are responsive to our neighborhood’s needs and work tirelessly to address our concerns. From helping residents and our nonprofit organizations to gain access to resources during COVID, to fighting to increase more affordable housing opportunities, and by working on key policy issues that impact education, public safety, job creation and our environment. They understand the role of representing our neighborhood and we are proud to support them. They always have Southie’s back and now it’s time for us to have their back.

Early Voting can be done up until this Friday August 28th.  You can also vote Monday through Friday from 9am – 5pm at City Hall. In-person absentee voting must be done by Monday August 31st at City Hall before 12pm. Additionally, with all the change and uncertainty surrounding students return to college, please make sure your college-age children are taking the time to vote this election season. Finally, please note the following polling location change: those who vote at the L Street Bathhouse/Curley Recreation Center (Ward 7 Precinct 1 and 2) will now vote at the Tynan School because the Bathhouse is closed due to renovations.

Please join us in re-electing our neighbors Congressman Stephen Lynch, State Senator Nick Collins and State Representative David Biele on Tuesday, September 1st. Thank you and have a great day.


Michael Flaherty and Ed Flynn

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