Keeping Southie Safe: Drugs and guns seized in City Point
From BPD News:
On Wednesday, August 2, 2017, Neighborhood Drug Control Units from District C-6 (South Boston) and District E-18 (Hyde Park) executed a search warrant at 893 East Fourth Street in South Boston. As a result of the search, officers were able to confiscate two guns, several large bags of marijuana, over 300 oxycodone pills, various drug paraphernalia and over $2,000 in US Currency. Additionally, officers arrested Kenneth George, 42, of Boston and charged him with Possession of Class A Drugs. Officers arrested John George, 39, of Boston and charged him with the Unlawful  Possession of a Firearm, Trafficking Class A Drugs and Possession With Intent to Distribute Class B Drugs.
Thanks BPD!Â
goddamn yuppies
39 and 42 Years old? Is a Yuppy just any one under 50?
City Point? Wow Not Broadway Housing ? Just a lil shocked cuz all I ever see or hear about is people in Southie complaining about the Housing developments there.. Like all people that live in housing is bad,, Some people just have to live there for financial reasons, There are good and bad in Housing developments,, I’m sure the good people that do live there are sick and tired of having to look over there backs every time they go out the door,, So now we have City Point in this articial, I don’t see any comments about lets shut down City Point, like I seen about BHA? J/S
The average city point resident is not trouble, the average Broadway FHA resident is. No matter how strictly you police there will always be a small population of crime committing citizens. The key is to not cluster them into 4 blocks, you spread them out so they can’t learn from each other or form gangs as easily.