Hockey stick incident at Murphy’s Law in October
According to Universal Hub, one of the owners of Murphy’s Law appeared before the City of Boston Licensing Board to discuss an event involving a pissed-off person and a hockey stick.
The story goes on early October 22nd, a resident walking past the bar at Summer and First got into an argument with a bar patron who was outside smoking. The resident tried to punch the patron but instead punched a woman – who was also out front – not once, but twice. The resident was then “escorted” away from the bar premises but returned about 10 minutes later with a hockey stick where he proceeded to smash the bar’s windows and door. BPD was called and the resident fled.
The resident was known to the bar owner from growing up in the neighborhood. So when BPD arrived – the bar owner told the police where the guy lives. BPD went to the resident’s O Street home and found the hockey stick with blood on it.
Murphy’s Law will find out on Thursday whether any fines or punishment will be implemented.
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