Fire in Southie
be a good neighbor
Elderly siblings, Mary and Joe Kane of South Boston need your help! After a fire on Monday night, the Kane’s lost everything in their home. Unfortunately, they did not have insurance. They are on fixed incomes through pensions from Gillette and have been staying at a hotel. They will be displaced for six months and are in need of an apartment to rent in Southie.
The Kane’s will need help moving forward. Mary is 74 and Joe is 67 and a disabled Vietnam veteran. Let’s rally together Southie and help them through this tough time.
If you would like to make a donation to the Kane’s, you can kindly contact:
St. Vincent De Paul Parish
Fr Joseph White
360 E Street
(617) 268-8100
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Check with Atty. Delahanty or Bubba Cahill to see if there is any money in the Fire Fund it was supposed to be a perpetual fund.