DIY Ashes for Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday – marking the beginning of the 40 days of Lent before Easter Sunday. Many Catholics will normally signify Ash Wednesday by getting ashes placed in the shape of a cross on their foreheads but not this year. Due to the pandemic there are changes. The Vatican reminded Catholics that Ash Wednesday is not in fact a Day of Holy Obligation but if you insist on getting your ashes – each Church may have different ways of distributing them. Some priests may choose to bless the ashes and sprinkle them over the congregation or in the case of St. Brigid and Gate of Heaven parishes – they will be distributed via DIY baggies to apply at home after Mass.
From the St. Brigid and Gate of Heaven website
Ash Wednesday
February 17th
Distribution of Ashes:
St. Brigid Church
7AM and 6PM
Gate of Heaven Church
9AM and 12Noon
Due to the pandemic, we will not be placing ashes on the foreheads of parishioners. At the conclusion of Ash Wednesday Mass, we will distribute small packets of blessed ashes to each family unit. You may take them home and bless yourselves and family with the ashes. There will be instructions with each packet on how to administer the ashes.
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