Dear Dog Owners*: This behavior needs to stop

1.3 min readBy Published On: May 5th, 2021Categories: News0 Comments on Dear Dog Owners*: This behavior needs to stop

What the hell is going on?

So it seems it isn’t just us who thinks it’s completely irresponsible and downright rude for dog owners to do the following:

  1. Let your dog pee on someone’s property i.e. home, front stoop, flower pots, etc.
  2. Leave your poop bags on our streets

This sign was spotted by friend of CIS Katie Marshman on Tuesday morning on Marine Road:

This resident was so angry and fed up, they made a homemade sign and zip tied it to street light pole.  “Dirty people, curb your dog. Stop pissing on my home.” On the side of the sign, a reminder to “take your shit bags home.” Not only are people leaving poop bags on the sidewalks they are sticking them on people’s fences? What the hell is that all about?

Imagine that we have come to this as a community. Homemade signs and public shaming.

Do better! We know you know better but you’re choosing to do it anyway. So what does that say about you? One of these days you will get caught (in Southie). Think about the humiliations you will feel when someone comes out there house and says, “Hey! Did you just let your dog pee on my stoop?” How will you respond?

Here are some more tips and reminders to dog owners. 

*We realize not ALL dog owners are guilty of this behavior – but clearly there are some that are.