Councilor Flynn, Sen. Collins & Rep. Biele Visit Patriot Homes

2.3 min readBy Published On: February 26th, 2020Categories: News0 Comments on Councilor Flynn, Sen. Collins & Rep. Biele Visit Patriot Homes

See Press Release Below:

BOSTON – Last week, Councilor Ed Flynn, Senator Nick Collins, and Representative Biele visited Patriot Homes in South Boston to tour the site and learn more about housing and other issues facing our veterans and military families.

Patriot Homes offers affordable housing units for veterans and their families. Located on Athens Street in South Boston, it was the former site of the District 6 Police Station and was later redeveloped by South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation into Patriot Homes.  Councilor Flynn, Senator Collins and Representative Biele visited the development to learn more about housing options available to veterans, as well as speak to residents and managers about any other constituent or quality of life issues that they may have.

“As a veteran who served in the U.S. Navy for nearly 25 years and Chair of the Committee on Veterans & Military Affairs, I care deeply about our veterans community,” said Councilor Flynn. “This visit to Patriot Homes gave me the opportunity to learn more about the development and the great work that they are doing, and also provided an opportunity to learn more about the type of housing and services that are needed for our veterans. I want to thank the staff and residents for giving us the tour, and I will continue to advocate on behalf of veterans & military families.”

“As a grateful American and a member of the Committee on Veterans & Federal Affairs, it is important to see what’s going on within our veterans community so we can find better ways to affect the challenges the face,” said Senator Collins. “What’s clear is that they are facing the same challenges as everyone else- housing, transportation, economic opportunity- but they face them with unfair burdens and disadvantages. Thank you to the resident veterans and managers of Patriot Homes for inviting us to visit and listen. It gave me a lot to consider for the remainder of this legislative session.”

“Veterans deserve our utmost thanks, respect and appreciation,” said Representative Biele. “I was honored to join Councilor Flynn and Senator Collins in meeting with local veterans in South Boston to learn about their experiences and discuss how the city and state can work together to support our veterans.”

Donna Brown, Executive Director of the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation, said, ”South Boston NDC and the Veterans at Patriot Homes appreciated their visit with our elected officials, Councilor Flynn, Senator Collins and Representative Biele.  It was a great opportunity to discuss Veteran issues and concerns and the city and state resources available. We look forward to working with the elected officials to address the needs of our local Veterans.”

For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and  [email protected].

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