Councilor Ed Flynn will host a listening session on changes to Boylston Street bus + bike lanes

Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn will host a Zoom Listening Session on Boylston Street Bus and Bike Lane changes on Wednesday, June 5th at 6:30 pm. This is in response to comments and feedback from Back Bay residents and the business community about Boston Transportation Department’s (BTD) planned changes to add both a bus and a bike lane on Boylston Street, while reducing vehicle travel lanes to two.
Over the past few weeks, Councilor Flynn has heard comments particularly from the business community about how the removal of vehicle travel lanes would impact truck deliveries, uber and lyft pick-up and drop-off, as well as the loss of 95 street parking spots. Residents have also called attention to public safety challenges with mopeds and e-bikes from third party deliveries, often running red lights, stop signs, and going the wrong way on one-way streets. In a hearing order from February, Councilor Flynn called on BTD and the city to instead focus on regulation of these public safety issues, and continues to advocate for strict enforcement by the Boston Police.
Concerns have been raised about how the planned changes could have a wider economic impact on Back Bay and the city in the longer term, as Boston grapples with difficult fiscal challenges in the years ahead. Councilor Flynn has also heard from both residents of the city, and those in neighboring communities, that making driving and parking more difficult on major commercial corridors would deter them and their families from coming in to support these local businesses, restaurants, and institutions – which could have a negative impact on the economic vitality of Boston.
“At a time of great fiscal uncertainty for Boston – with a persistent lack of foot traffic since the pandemic, a study indicating remote work and declining commercial property values may cost Boston $500 million in annual revenue, and a proposal to raise commercial property taxes – we should not be making it more difficult for people to come into the heart of the city and support Boston’s economy,” said Councilor Flynn. “The reality is that by reducing two vehicular travel lanes on a major commercial corridor like Boylston Street for both a bus and bike lane, and eliminating 95 parking spots, we will be setting up barriers for residents of the city and the Greater Boston area to contribute to our economic vitality. It is critical that businesses and residents are consulted and heard in a genuine and legitimate community process, and that the city makes compromises in good-faith to not disrupt our economy. The charm and success of the Back Bay did not occur through happenstance – it is because of the willingness of residents, businesses, and the city working together.”
For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and [email protected].
You can register for this listening session here!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
Ed Flynn Should be Mayor . Not Sure Why they Dug Up Copley Square ? To Remove The Grass ? One Of The Most Historical Sites in America Known For its architecture . The Bike Lanes are A Nuisance – We are Not Cambridge – Fix The Subway System First . A Lot Of Office Building Have Been Empty Since Quarantine . I Am Looking Forward to The New Trader Joes . We Lost Marshalls That was a Fantastic Store. I Do Miss Sitting in Cpley Square on A bench Eating Lunch And The Farmers Market .
Regarding Listening Sessions: I have had extensive experience with Listening Sessions and I swear by them.
BUT it is important that participants SIGN IN, when making comments stand up and IDENTIFY themselves and above all VIDEO TAPE the Listening Sessions to insure mutual Responsibility, Accountability and Transparency.
Boylston Street in the Back Bay has become a dangerous war zone between buses, automobiles, Ubers, Lyfts, scooters, mopeds, pedestrians and all because of the new bike lane where we now have bikes and scooters
coming from all directions not to mention the rickshaws and bumper to bumper traffic. The white bumps, with some not having 4′ poles placed in the middle of them. I personally have tripped twice over the bumps at the corner of Boylston and Ring and have landed on the pavement on the middle of Boylston Street.