Bypass Road to open
Six month pilot program
Is help on the way? Anyone that lives or works in Southie know that traffic can be a nightmare – especially in the area of A Street in the Fort Point Neighborhood. At rush hour you can be stuck on A Street for up to an hour. The congestion all over South Boston is becoming unbearable with bumper to bumper traffic in many areas.
According to the Boston Globe, the traffic jams are starting to concern the powers that be. “The congestion is so bad that officials are worried it will discourage businesses from continuing to invest in the area. In response, several state agencies Wednesday announced the first in a series of road and transit improvements to ease bumper-to-bumper traffic, help pedestrians better navigate the district, and speed up buses.”
It blows our mind that now that there is gridlock traffic, that officials are just now becoming worried. Did they not think that overdeveloping an area without a concrete traffic plan would not result in exactly what is our current state of affairs? Gheesh!
Well, relief is on the way. The South Boston Bypass Road – which was initially created in 1993 for truck traffic from the Big Dig and ONLY open to official construction/commercial vehicles, will be open up to everyone on Monday, August 17th – well, a portion of it. Will this help? Who knows but it’s something.
The idea for letting cars access this road came out of the meetings and community feedback organized by the South Boston Waterfront Sustainable Transportation Committee. Remember those?
Also from this initiative is two more Hubway stations in Southie. One near the Lawn on D and the other near Blue Hills Bank Pavilion.
To we shall see, Southie. The proof will be in the traffic congestion or hopefully lack there of.
To read the full article complete with a map new changes: visit: