BPD Busts up an underage drinking bash in Southie

1.3 min readBy Published On: June 26th, 2018Categories: News7 Comments on BPD Busts up an underage drinking bash in Southie

According to BPD news, on Sunday night around 11pm, police responded to a call for a loud party around 532 East Eighth Street.  When BPD cruisers rolled up they “several individuals who appeared to be underaged” fleeing the scene.  According to neighbors, the address at 532 East Eighth Street is an “airbnb” rental.  Hmmmm….see press release below:

At about 11:00 PM on Sunday, June 24, 2018, officers from District C-6 (South Boston) responded to a call for a loud party causing a disturbance in the area of 532 East Eighth Street. Upon arrival, officers observed several individuals who appeared to be underaged running away from the premises. Witnesses on-scene informed the officers that the aforementioned address was an “Airbnb” rental property, and that the renters have been engaging in loud partying and drinking throughout the night. Officers knocked and announced their presence at the residence in an attempt to investigate further. Officers then observed a group of young adults and minors running out of the back yard. Upon making entry into the apartment, officers observed a strong scent of what appeared to be burnt marijuana, as well as multiple open containers of alcohol.

The apartment appeared to be in a state of disarray with various party “accessories” littered on the floor. Officers also noticed that the smoke detectors that had been installed in the apartment had been disconnected and stored in a bedroom drawer. Officers were unable to locate the renter for the property. Officers performed a sweep of the premise for any remaining persons and secured all doors prior to exiting. The incident remains under investigation.


  1. Kim Greeley June 26, 2018 at 6:53 pm - Reply

    This goes on every weekend at 209 West Second Street. It is also an Airbnb.It must have an awesome view because everyone that stays there stands on the deck screaming to the top of their lungs, it’s insane.Some like to light off fireworks and others like to yell and swear at our neighbors walking by with their dogs.

    • Maureen Dahill June 26, 2018 at 6:58 pm - Reply

      Are they underaged? Yikes! Call BPD!

    • Not So New to The Hood June 27, 2018 at 1:30 pm - Reply

      Give it some time. These airbnb’s will disappear soon enough.

  2. Not So New to The Hood June 27, 2018 at 1:38 pm - Reply

    Also, this story is really weird. Underage kids renting an AirBnB for a party in Southie? Maybe they’re just getting smarter and pooled some money together but overall this just doesn’t add up. Like is it just a bunch of local OFS kids that figured out this could work? I dont get it.

    • not an OFS kid June 28, 2018 at 10:54 am - Reply

      not OFS kids…..

    • GB June 28, 2018 at 5:38 pm - Reply

      Looks like you replied to your own post. Perhaps if this perplexes you so much you do the following:
      Look up the property owner at: http://www.masslandrecords.com/
      Second, do a Google search of the owner to see if you can find a contact number for them.
      Third, inquire to whom rented the apartment from the time period specified.
      Fourth, once presented with the information, conduct further analysis on the renter (s) income, background, etc.
      Lastly, make conclusions to your hypothesis so that you can understand why this occurred. You’re welcome!

    • mplo July 2, 2018 at 6:01 pm - Reply

      If this goes on every weekend at this particular address, there’s something really weird going on here, especially if the kids are underaged. It sounds like another one of the problems of having Airbnb’s in any neighborhood, including Southie. There’ll always be people who’ll take advantage of that, in a big way.

      If these party-throwers are underage, they certainly deserve to have their party crashed.

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