Be informed: Trump on the airways
On Tuesday night, President Trump will be on your TV screen to make a case for building a wall at the Mexican border. Trump believes that the “security crisis” needs to be addressed before the partial government shutdown can be lifted. We are on day 18 of the shutdown with no end in site. Looks like we might break the record of longest government shutdown of 21 days.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer released a joint statement on Monday night asking to be “immediately be given equal airtime” to respond to Trump. The Dems are worried that Trump will be spreading “misinformation.”
Will you be tuning in?
image: Official White House Portrait
I understand Trump is extremely unpopular with some people- I get it. I also think that the border should be secured and a wall/fence/barrier is a big part of that. I don’t understand why anyone would ever be opposed to a wall at our countries border. I think that this has simply become more ‘we oppose it because HE is for it.’ and a political mission to deny him what some would call a political victory even though the underlying goal is a good one for the country.
Eleanor, with all due respect, people don’t oppose the wall because they dislike Trump. They oppose the wall because there already IS a wall and his propaganda doesn’t have any credibility of making America safer. His proposed wall would cost the country over $15 Billion and that wall won’t prevent bad guys from getting in from our northern border, via our coasts or by other methods like air travel. It’s not good for the country financially and not proven to prevent anything that Trump claims is a problem.
With respect–I could not disagree more. People/citizens have the right to have their own opinion on the matter and I respect that. I am referring to the politicians in congress. We have a wall in certain spots but not everywhere that is needed. to secure the border. The coasts and the northern border and air travel….they are much more difficult to get to and pale in comparison to the influx from our border with Mexico. There are alot of things way ahead in the “not good financially for our country’ line than securing our southern border. so we simply disagree…which is OK
I completely agree with you Eleanor. The structure that is currently there isn’t working and looks more like a fence in many areas than a wall. It is without a doubt the easiest way for terrorists gang members and any other unwanted people to enter our country. I bet if we all lived in San Diego there would be more people pushing for a wall to go up!
A wall won’t solve the problem and it shouldn’t be built or funded.
Lol ok I’ll bite.
A wall will solve the problem and should be funded
Maureen’s thinking: “The local news has been slow and I can’t think of any original & local content….what should I blog today?….I really need some pageviews” *Light bulb goes of in head*
The same bulb go off in your head to post a meaningless comment? You’re free to not click on the blog and move out of Southie while you’re at it…
You should be thanking her for showing remarkable restraint and not blocking your non-sense posts