Batten down the hatches: Nor’easter coming our way! 

2.7 min readBy Published On: March 1st, 2018Categories: News11 Comments on Batten down the hatches: Nor’easter coming our way! 

Looks like a nasty storm is heading our way!  Mayor Marty Walsh announce the City of Boston’s plan of action.  You can read about it below along with other helpful information!

Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced preparations underway ahead of the anticipated coastal storm and flooding that is expected to begin on Friday. As part of this storm, three high tides are expected to occur in Boston on Friday at 11:15 a.m., Friday at 11:45 p.m. and Saturday at 12:05 p.m, along with heavy rain and sustained winds of 20-40 miles per hour (MPH) with gusts up to 65 MPH.

“I encourage all residents to be mindful of the storm and encourage employers to take the weather into consideration, which will mostly impact the coastal areas of our city,” said Mayor Walsh. “As we saw with the coastal flooding in the Seaport in January, there is a need to proactively plan for our changing climate, which is why we’re integrating climate resilience into all aspects of city planning moving forward, beginning with a Climate Ready project in South Boston.”

Below are the various watches that are in place for Friday through Saturday:

  • Coastal Flood Watch in effect from Friday 9 a.m. until Saturday 2 p.m.;
  • Areal Flood Watch in effect Friday 7 a.m. until Saturday 7 a.m.;
  • High Wind Warning in effect from Friday 10 a.m. until Saturday 10 a.m.

The City will continue to monitor the storm throughout its duration. In preparation for the storm, Boston is taking the following proactive steps:

  • Boston Water & Sewer Commission (BWSC) is cleaning out low-lying areas of debris that could clog catch basins and restrict the flow of water through underground systems.
  • Boston Police Department (BPD) is prepared to institute barriers in areas that will be most affected by flooding, and redirect traffic as needed.
  • Public Works Department (PWD) will have loaders available to remove debris.
  • Several city departments, including BWSC, BPD, EMS and 311 will have extra support available to assist.

The City encourages residents to be aware of the upcoming weather, and understand their risk of flooding by looking at the latest FEMA flood maps:

The City is currently pursuing a Climate Ready project in South Boston that is analyzing the current and future flood risks to the neighborhood, with the input and feedback from residents, businesses, landowners and developers. Next week the City is hosting a community open house to share conceptual designs of flooding solutions. The event will be held on Tuesday, March 6 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Children’s Museum.

About Climate Ready Boston

Climate Ready Boston is the City’s initiative to develop resilient solutions to prepare Boston for rising sea levels, extreme heat and increased weather events. Climate Ready Boston is aligned with Imagine Boston 2030, Go Boston 2030, Resilient Boston, and other planning initiatives to ensure that climate adaptation supports the Mayor’s goals for economic growth and social equity across the city.

Climate Ready Boston is led by the City of Boston in partnership with the Green Ribbon Commission and with support from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management and the Barr Foundation.

For more information about Climate Ready Boston, visit:


  1. Oldtimesouthie March 1, 2018 at 12:01 pm - Reply

    So the moral of the rising seas story is if you’re going to buy in Southie and plan to be there long term…the telegraph hill area is the choice.

    • Guppy (geezer urban post-professional) March 2, 2018 at 5:53 am - Reply

      Well said Oldtimer. Wise words indeed.

  2. Oldtimesouthie March 1, 2018 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    FAKE OLDTIMESOUTHIE!. use you own name.

  3. OldtimesouthierlREAL March 1, 2018 at 4:30 pm - Reply

    FAKE OLDTIMESOUTHIE!. use you own name.

  4. OldtimesouthierlREAL March 1, 2018 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    You PHONY!

    • Guppy (geezer urban post-professional) March 2, 2018 at 5:57 am - Reply

      Nice try. They finally caught on to your charade and made you give back the username to the REAL Oldtimesouthie. Kudos to the moderator.

  5. CertifiedYuppie March 1, 2018 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    Oldtimesouthie is a bored, bitter moron, peppering this lovely website with garbage spewing from his keyboard. Hopefully he lives at the bottom of Telegraph Hill, where his sump pump fails and his house floods, and his computer goes underwater, alleviating us of his idiotic 1960s South Boston education.

  6. SBHS class of 1969 March 2, 2018 at 9:53 am - Reply

    Overrated storm !!

  7. SBHS class of 1969 March 2, 2018 at 1:06 pm - Reply

    Certified yuppie; attitudes like yours is exactly why the long time real SOUTHBOSTONIAN people dispiz the likes of you and your selfish cohorts ..go back to your LILLY WHITE SUBURBS where you came from. Remember we the originals from here made this place what it is. And you and your band of self gratification fools think your gonna run something, WRONG !

    • wtf021 March 3, 2018 at 11:52 am - Reply

      Who are these two losers who keep battling it out in the comments section. Step away from the keyboard and go outside and do something.

  8. Helen Falletti March 2, 2018 at 8:48 pm - Reply

    Here’s to the person who called it an over rated storm.
    394,000 people without power, roads flooded, planes and trains
    grounded, now what do you think. That is of you have power !!!
    Originally from Southie ! Forced out by sky high mortgages.
    But my heart will always be there!

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