National Rent Report: Boston is third highest in the USA and Southie rents are bonkers!

Rent on the Rise
To anyone who rents in Boston, it’s probably no surprise to you that it’s expensive to live here. According to apartment rental site, Boston is now third for most expensive city in the United States for rent. There’s only $130 separating us from San Francisco in the #2 spot.
In January of 2021, Boston’s median one-bedroom rent rose to $2,720, setting a new all-time high, while San Francisco’s median one-bed rent is $2,850.
Since this time last year, Boston one-bedroom rent is up over 26%. You can read more about it here!
So how’s South Boston adding to the city’s rental average? Well, according to, the average rent in South Boston for a 1-bedroom is $2950! Holy Moly! For a two-bedroom it’s $3827.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
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Your dad was the best 👌
I have the answer, stop condo converging and stop with the yuppie take over. They shouldn’t be the ones complaining about rents being so damn high. The other issue is we need an economy that fits everybody not just for tech or, bio engineering. Condos are making the housing crisis worse. If developers and investors just left them as apartments then it would have worked out fine. Micro apartments would work better and we need more housing not just for college students or, professionals we need more housing so that families, elderly and long time natives can move back to the city. In order for Boston to become affordable we need a mix of everything not just for those who can afford high end luxuries.