Development Watch: 2 Harbor Street

0.6 min readBy Published On: November 26th, 2019Categories: Living0 Comments on Development Watch: 2 Harbor Street

Universal Hub is reporting that developer ICCNE filed plans with the Boston Planning and Development Agency for 2 Harbor Street – a 10-story, 381,000 square foot building at Raymond Flynn Marine Industrial Park.  This building will be directed at biotech research and development. 

Initially, ICCNE – a subsidiary of Millennium Partners –  had its heart on building a complex seven times the size complete with gondolas but was unable to secure the rights to a seven-acre parcel owned by Massport. 

The developer is predicting that 1500 people will be working in the new building and it will pay $2.5 million into an affordable housing fund.  Construction is expected to start in late 2020 or early 2021 and will take two years to complete.

Holy Moly!

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