Design plans have been submitted for 776 Summer Street aka the old Edison Plant

Big changes are coming to 776 Summer Street! Developer HRP has officially submitted plans for Phase II at the former Boston Edison power plant site in Southie. Here’s a breakdown of what’s in the works:
Residential & Hotel
- 18-story tower featuring:
- 240-room hotel
- 10 stories of residential units above the hotel
- Connection to the historic 1898 Turbine Hall, which will be transformed into event and amenity space
- Multi-story lobby and shared rooftop deck
- Two apartment buildings along East First Street:
- 10-story building
- 7-story building
- Totaling 636 residential units
Commercial & Office Space
- Future plans include a 10-story, 335,000-square-foot office/R&D building at the corner of Summer and East First Streets
- Developers say commercial buildings won’t be built without secured tenants due to market conditions
Public Space & Site Improvements
- Two acres of public parks, making up 35% of the approved green space in the master plan
- Flood mitigation efforts, including:
- Seawall reconstruction
- Elevating low-lying areas to reduce flood risk
- Study by Woods Hole Group found minimal flood concerns for the site
Additional Considerations
- Proximity to Conley Container Terminal led to special design features:
- Eastern-most apartment building will have limited east-facing windows to reduce exposure to noise and industrial activity
- Massport lifted a deed restriction last year, allowing housing development on the eastern portion of the site
How to Get Involved
- Virtual meeting: February 3
- Public comment period: Open through February 17
Southie, what do you think? Let us know your thoughts on this massive transformation coming to our neighborhood!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
What about traffic and parking?
How do they intend to mitigate the lack of parking spaces in the surrounding neighborhood?
With one lane in both directions it can only bring further congestion the neighborhood and those trying to come and go into the city. Poor planning
We secured 125 parking spaces forsourhie people
125 is just a drop in the bucket for a 24 unit hotel and the 600 plus unit condominium complex in an area already congested and certainly in need of more bus routes I would be strongly opposed to this project I don’t want to come across as anti-revitalization efforts but the parking is out of control I see at least the kind of name building being prohibitive and counterproductive to the community.
These developers are going back on there word.
They are not going to have any commercial space unless there are commitments from restaurants, etc. this is Bullcrap! This is just a way to built more condo space.
This meeting should be in PERSON and Virtually.
What about a fire station and a police station?
The developers have also reneged on their promise to keep all of the required affordable units on-site. They are planning to ask the City to allow them to off-site the units or pay into the IDP fund. South Boston desperately needs more affordable housing for seniors and working people. I urge neighborhood residents to attend Monday’s public meeting on Zoom and support affordable housing at the former Edison plant.
In an early text, about this meeting, developers said they will not be building affordable housing on this site, and have not acquired a site to build affordable housing.
So far there are 900 units combined and not enough parking!
Too much Congestion, not enough parking, lies about affordable housing and commercial space-? Wow! Are we really surprised? The mbta better add a dozen more busses