Are you leaving your dog out?

0.3 min readBy Published On: December 31st, 2016Categories: Caught In Southie, Living5 Comments on Are you leaving your dog out?

Hey, are you leaving your dog out at night in the cold?  Well, evidently your neighbors aren’t happy.  Your dog is barking all night and keeping people up.  Not to mention it’s freezing out!  So be a good neighbor and a kind dog owner and let your dog inside!  Gheesh!


*not actual dog.


  1. Karly December 31, 2016 at 3:20 pm - Reply

    Where is this discussion from?

  2. OKC Compressor January 2, 2017 at 6:44 pm - Reply

    We always make sure our animals are inside at night time!

  3. Annonymous January 2, 2017 at 9:15 pm - Reply

    This poor dog is literally never let inside, regardless of season….I live between 780 and 815 East 5th…and he is located adjacent to the parking lot directly behind this location

  4. Ruff January 2, 2017 at 9:47 pm - Reply

    I’m not sure if these are the dogs you are referring to but there are 2 dogs that are constantly barking in the back yard of 733 3rd. Multiple reports have been made and nothing has been done about it.

  5. Mark W January 3, 2017 at 5:23 pm - Reply

    Whomever left a note on the door of a house on Third Street about this issue—you left it at the wrong house. There are no dogs in the building you left the note at. Just FYI

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