Hey, Southie! Let’s keep it clean.

Southie PSA
It’s become very clear that Southie is dirty! The month of March is by far the dirtiest of all of the months in the neighborhood. Trash is strewn about in the streets and on the sidewalks. Clumps of old dead leaves and dirt in clusters in the gutters and blocking catch basins. Old poop bags are everywhere. It’s disgusting and needs some much-needed attention.
Pitch in!
We all need to do better at the beach. We need to pick up our trash and put it into trash barrels. If you are gonna be drinking like Country Fest, bring a trash bag and put your empties in it. If you’re walking to and from the bars and need that roadie with you, don’t leave it on someone’s stoop or throw it on the ground when you’re done with it. The same goes for your pizza plates, takeout bags, and Chinese food containers. I once saw a box of fried rice in someone’s planter one morning.
Same goes for parks. If there are no barrels at the park, bring your poop bag home and throw it in your own trash barrel.
Sweep the streets in front of your homes and businesses. If you see trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away.
Let’s all be respectful and courteous to our neighbors and our neighborhood.
P.S. Street Cleaning returns in April – so we have that to look forward to!
Here are Peter G’s post on Trash Day Etiquette
Peter Gailunas is a lifelong Southie resident and Boston firefighter who sometimes takes it upon himself to tell people what’s what. Favorite day of the week is trash day. Big fan of the 311 app, food shopping and cooking. Self-proclaimed “Fastest Man Alive.” Married to the editor.
I love this post. Thank you!
I’m with you Pete
I’m with u Pete
I don’t see any Guinea Pigs or nip bottles in there.