Flood Square Hardware

2.3 min readBy Published On: March 2nd, 2011Categories: Lifestyle, Style and Shopping0 Comments on Flood Square Hardware

Here are some of the things you’ll find at Flood Square Hardware: light bulbs, cans of paints, seeds, tool belts, mouse traps, batteries, vacuum cleaner bags, cabinet hardware, nuts, bolts, charcoal grills, hammers, extension cords, two friendly owners and the kitchen sink.

Found right here on East Broadway in South Boston, Flood Square Hardware is chock-full of everything you need from simple home improvement tasks, to larger more complicated jobs.  What you might not know is Flood Square also has access to over 60,000 products including toilets, sinks, power tools, knives, gas grills to name a few.

Since 1924

Flood Square Hardware is owned and operated by Shawn Hillard and Cliff Paskell.  Shawn – an original Southie guy – and Cliff  – OFD (originally from Dorchester), bought Flood Square last August but Flood Square has been in business since 1924 when Norman Alekna opened its doors.  For over 90 years, they have been providing the good people of South Boston with everything we need for home projects and then some.  At Flood Square, they can make you keys or repair a lamp for you.  Got a rip in your screen?  They can fix it for you.  They also provide window treatments like shades, blinds and interior shutters customized to fit your window dimensions.  If you need a name plate made, Flood Square has custom engraving too. 

Delivery right to your door

With gardening season upon us, Flood Square has all the tools, soil and seeds you need for sprucing up your backyard.  And if you run out of soil when you’re planting, just call up Shawn and Cliff and they’ll deliver more right to your door.  In fact they’ll deliver any of their products to you.  That is one of the many convenient services that they happily provide.  One service in particular that seems to be popular is their “Ladies Night” where they serve wine and cheese and teach simple home improvement projects to the attendees.  They are hosting one later this month for the South Boston MOMS Club and hope to have another Ladies Night in June.  Get your overalls and high heels ready, girls! 

So helpful

Shawn and Cliff are friendly, knowledgeable, and ready to help with any questions you might have.  They can offer you suggestions and make recommendations.  If you can’t find something on their shelves, they can order it for you no problem.  Check out their on-line catalog.  Bet you didn’t know Flood Square Hardware can set you up with a fishing pole and a crock pot. We’ll now you do.  Stop by and say hello to Shawn and Cliff and tell them Caught in Southie sent you!