Commemorate running the Boston Marathon

1.2 min readBy Published On: April 15th, 2015Categories: Lifestyle, Style and Shopping0 Comments on Commemorate running the Boston Marathon

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A special customized design by J HIll Design

South Boston designer Jennifer HIll of J Hill Design has created a beautifully bold Marathon map which can be personalized for runners with the race time, bib number and runner’s name included in the print!  Its a perfect way to commemorate such an amazing event!

These prints feature one of Hill’s distinctive patterns in the Boston Marathon colors, with facts and text about the course. They come in 3 sizes and start at $17.  

To sum up just how meaningful receiving one as a gift is, Christopher Aranda sent Jennifer the following note:

“I just wanted to write a quick note expressing my thanks for making such lovely mementos of a special day and my admiration for your personal touch and aesthetic sense. An odd predicament of amateur competitive runners is the general lack of elegant ways to commemorate a race that, being the culmination of months and years of hard training, seems to deserve some artful tribute. I am as proud as anyone else of sporting the fluorescent hues of the official Boston Marathon jacket, but you can hardly hang it above your desk. Your art, focused on a sense of place, is a wonderful offering to the runners for whom Boston is a geography with its own very special magic.”

To order a customized print visit: