Weekend Picks – Labor Day Weekend Edition

2.9 min readBy Published On: August 29th, 2019Categories: See and Do0 Comments on Weekend Picks – Labor Day Weekend Edition

Rosé Brunch Test Kitchen

Sticking around for Labor Day Weekend? Lincoln has got your back!  On August 30th, they’re throwing another rosé-themed Brunch Test Kitchen to celebrate the end of the summer season featuring live music, summer-inspired dishes and, of course, lots of rosé!

Moving Day

It’s almost September 1st and you know what that means – it’s Moving Day in Southie aka Southie Christmas! The coming week is sure to promise lots of double parked cars and moving vans, “no parking” moving permits (which residents will ignore) and trash galore! If you have issues with trash or parking violations, you are highly encourage to use the City’s 311 app. The City of Boston also has a handy guide to Moving Day here!

Another Turnaround

The USS Constitution will conduct a turnaround on Friday morning around 9:30am. Castle Island is the perfect spot to watch. Treat yourself to some Sully’s while you’re out there!

Colin’s Joy Project

Join friends and neighbors to celebrate Colin’s 4th Birthday as he loved to do – at a beach party at the M Street Family Beach! There will be music, face painting, a cookout, Italian ices and lots of beach fun.  All ages welcome! Please bring one of the following items to be donated to The South Boston Neighborhood House (“The Ollie”) and Julie’s Family Learning Center – diapers of all sizes, baby wipes, back to school sneakers of all sizes or a gift card to Famous Footwear, gift card to CVS for everyday items and toiletries, or gift card to Super Cuts for back to school haircuts. The fun takes place on Saturday, August 31 from 11am-2pm. 

ICA News

Last chance to see John Akomfrah: Purple at the ICA Watershed, closing on Labor Day, Sep 2.  Exhibition concludes with a free community day on Labor Day.  You can learn more here!

Yoga with a Ranger

Sundays in September enjoy a free yoga class on Dorchester Heights with Crystal Rose Hines – certified yoga instructor and National Park Ranger.  Takes place from 10am-11am.  Don’t forget your mat and water!

Pre-season Pats at Roza Lyons

Looking for a cozy spot to watch the Pats vs. the Giants on Thursday night at 7:30pm?  Look no further than Roza Lyons.  With 3 large TVs in the bar area, order ups some shareable plates like flatbread, crab cakes or lettuce wraps! Roza Lyons also features an excellent selection of craft beer, wine and craft cocktails, and serves up lunch and dinner 7 days a week!

Take a Tour

Check out Fort Independence at Castle Island! The Castle Island Association (CIA) has been giving free guided tours of Fort Independence on Castle Island for over thirty years. Enjoy a tour every Saturday, Sunday, and on national holidays through the summer from noon till 3:30pm. You can also enjoy a sunset tour on Thursday at 6pm.

Lush Puppies

You remember Slush Puppies right?  Well, you can relive your childhood at Backyard Betty’s with their version called appropriately enough – Lush Puppies.  It’s made with a traditional slush base, fruit syrup, and Deep Eddy peach vodka! Pairs well with their giant pan of nachos! 

Reiki, Restore, and Crystal Singing Bowl Workshop

Looking for an intentional, nourishing, restorative experience? South Boston Yoga is hosting  Reiki, Restore, and Crystal Singing Bowl Workshop.  It’s the perfect way to close out the summer and prepare for changing seasons and routines!  Takes place on Friday August 20th from 6pm-8pm.  You can learn more here! 

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