7 Things You Should Know This Week – March 4th

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South Boston Citizens’ Association Evacuation Day Sporting Events

The South Boston Citizens’ Association has announced the Evacuation Day Sporting Events schedule. From the free throw contest to the legendary Miss Ice O Rama completion, you can see the full schedule here! 

International Women’s Day

Friday, March 8th, is International Women’s Day! A perfect excuse to celebrate and support the amazing women in your life and our neighborhood. Fresh Boston is offering a complimentary Mai Tai for all women from 6-8pm. Hunter’s has a specialty charity cocktail called Rosie the Rivet-tini, which will benefit Rosie’s Place!  Plus support these women owned businesses in the neighborhood! 

Dune Brothers x Shy Bird = Shy Fry

Dune Brothers of Providence, Rhode Island, will be taking over Shy Bird for a fish fry! The takeover will be take place on Wednesday March 6th at 4:30 till they sell out. So get it while it’s hot! The menu will include fish and chips, lobster roll, and clam chowder to name a few. Make your reservation here!


Make sure to vote on Tuesday March 5th in the Presidential Primary.  Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm. Click here to find your polling locations. Here is some more helpful information via the City of Boston. 

ICA Free Thursday Night

The ICA is free for all visitors on Thursday from 5-9pm. It is the perfect way to spend an evening and check out awesome art. Free tickets go on sale Thursday morning. Get them here! 

The Dirty Italian Events for March

The Dirty Italian is offering many delicious events to take part in this month!

Novena of Grace

Cardinal Seán O’Malley and Monsignor Kevin O’Leary invite you to participate in the Novena of Grace through the miraculous intercession of St. Francis Xavier! Taking place at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross March 6-14 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, each night will include the praying of the Novena Prayers, a period of Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, and meditations from Fr. Peter Grover, OMV. Please join us during the Lenten Season for this revival of a long-held tradition in the Archdiocese of Boston!




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