5 Things You Should Know This Week – November 21st

Watch the World Cup
Shamrock Pub will show the first USA games of the World Cup – USA vs. Wales on Monday at 2pm and USA vs. England at 2pm on Friday! To celebrate, the Shamrock will give away some Guinness swag, including glasses, t-shirts and fanny packs!
Celebrate Friendsgiving/Thanksgiving Eve
Celebrate the season with friends! Meet for a drink, attend a creative workshop or dance the night away on Thanksgiving Eve! We’ve got the details! Here are some events happening this week!
Southie Turkey Trot 5K + Post Party Fundraiser
The 1st Annual South Boston Turkey Trot – a 5K Run / Walk on Wednesday, November 23rd at 1:30pm going around Castle Island starting at 1849 Columbia Rd in South Boston. Your hosts @gconnolly_ & @johnxbarry are running the 2023 Boston marathon for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and this event will raise money to help them reach their $25,000 goal. The 5K will only be the warm-up for the after party in Capo Basement starting at 4pm with food & bevs, raffles, and more. There will be a $25 entry fee (can venmo @johnbarry325 now or the day of race) that will come with a fresh t-shirt – please fill out the t-shirt form here!
Small Business Saturday
Get out there and shop in Southie! Saturday, November 26th is national “Small Business Saturday.” This campaign was designed by American Express to generate business for small independent merchants – and we know how important it is to shop locally! So get out and there and shop! And spread the word too! Encourage your friends and family to shop locally! Not only are you getting a jump on your Christmas shopping, but you are also helping our local economy! Really, it’s a win/win situation. Check out our Shop Local Roundup! The City of Boston is also offering free metered spots on Small Business Saturday too! Also – Mark Your Calendars – It’s the Annual South Boston Christmas Stroll and Tree Lighting on Thursday, December 1st, another opportunity to support local small businesses! You can learn more here!
Holiday Ship Lighting at Martin’s Park
Light it up! A special children’s celebration will be held on Saturday, November 26, at 4 p.m. at the Smith Family Waterfront in the Seaport District and Fort Point neighborhood when the Friends of Martin’s Park and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department host the second annual holiday lighting of the ship in Martin’s Park. Get all the details here.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
Weekend Picks – February 14th
HRP Group is hiring Summer Interns – Get the details!
5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 10th