What the hell, Target?
If you’ve been on social media the past few days, you’ve seen them on your feed. T-shirts sold at Target showcasing Boston’s neighborhood maps. Sounds good enough except there are typos, misspellings, weird spacing, missing neighborhoods and completely made up neighborhoods. One CIS follower tweeted this photo to us on Monday:
Feast your eyes on these glaring mistakes:
Mission Hills
West Roxberry
Made up neighborhood of “Central”
Jamaca Plain
Cambridge listed as a Boston neighborhood (they wish!)
and the worst offense Southy! Good grief!
The Boston Globe wrote an article about the T-shirt debacle. Target stated that they like to carry products that reflect the local communities and that’s why you see Boston T-shirts in the Boston stores. The spokesperson for Target went on to apologize and state they would be pulling the T-shirts from the stores. The shirts are created by a Minneapolis-based company.
Come on, Target! Get it right!
Hi Maureen,
I totally agree with you, it needs to be spelled correctly ! Otherwise, we might have a new town in Boston that we didn’t know existed.