Urban Shield – street closing scoop for Southie

1.3 min readBy Published On: April 20th, 2014Categories: News0 Comments on Urban Shield – street closing scoop for Southie

We know “Urban Shield” sounds like an action movie starring Tom Cruise, but it’s actually a special emergency security and training event that will take place this weekend in Boston.  

From a City of Boston Press Release:

On Saturday the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management and Metro Boston Homeland Security Region will kick off Urban Shield: Boston, a 24-hour regional training exercise that simulates large-scale public safety incidents in the Metro-Boston area.  Urban Shield: Boston will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday and conclude at 8 a.m. Sunday. It will include approximately 2,000 personnel from the City of Boston, (to include Boston Police, Fire, EMS, Emergency Management and Public Health), the Metro-Boston Homeland Security Region (to include the Cities of Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Quincy, Revere, Somerville and the Towns of Brookline and Winthrop), Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, and Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals.  The exercise will assess the ability of public safety personnel to successfully respond to, and manage, multiple public safety threats and emergencies occurring simultaneously throughout the metro-Boston area.

Due to this training, Foundry Street (Dot Ave to Greenbaum St) in South Boston will be closed Saturday May 3rd beginning at 6:30am through Sunday May 4th at 530pm.

There will be no vehicular or pedestrian access during this time to accommodate the Urban Shield training exercise being conducted in the Emergency Training Center.  Boston Police will have officers present to assist with traffic.

So take notice and consider yourself warned, Southie.