Update: Woman who enrolled in multiple high schools in BPS is formally charged with fraud.


An arrest warrant for Shelby Hewitt, of Canton, was filed in West Roxbury District Court on Tuesday. BPD has been investigating Hewitt, who allegedly faked her credentials and was able to enroll in three BPS high schools. She is facing four charges of forgery, two of false writing, and one of identity fraud. You can read more about this here. 

Original Post:

Well, this is a bizarre situation.

A 32-year-old woman who used to work for the state of Massachusetts fraudulently enrolled as a student in multiple high schools in Boston using false identification and paperwork during this academic year.

According to BPS Superintendant Mary Skipper via letter to the school community, the woman, who has not been identified, “has been discharged and is being ordered to stay away from Boston Public Schools.

During the 2022-2023 school year, the woman attended Jeremiah E. Burke High School, Brighton High School, and English High School while using the student transfer process and enrolling under multiple pseudonyms.

An investigation into the woman’s alleged actions and how she was able to enroll remains ongoing.

On a side note – we’re wondering what the motivation was to do this.


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