Southie’s Own Fyre Festival – Summer Splash on Castle Island

South Boston social media exploded on Tuesday afternoon when a very sexy flyer for an upcoming event at Castle Island began circulating.
Residents asked – How can the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) issue a permit for a for-profit event? Don’t the traffic gates close at Castle Island at 8pm – how can this event go until 11pm? Castle Island is for family fun – this flyer does not look family friendly.
The event – Summer Splash – scheduled for Thursday, June 23rd from 4pm-11pm – is being advertised for $25 per ticket and will include live music, dunk tanks, water balloon fights, grills, food and fun. The organizer is selling tickets via eventbrite and is soliciting vendors and artists for the event.
On Tuesday, Senator Nick Collins’ and State Rep. David Biele’s offices began receiving messages about Summer Splash wondering if this, in fact, is a real event. According to both Collins and Biele, the DCR does not have a permit for the event which the organizer does need. So it sounds like the event will not be happening. MA State Police have also been made aware of the event too. For reference, here is info. on DCR’s permitting process. Here are the rules and regulations of DCR property too.
We’re not sure if the organizer realized that she needed permits for the events or not. We also don’t know how many tickets (if any) have been sold. What we do know is the neighborhood is not happy about Summer Splash.
Back in 2016, we also had a facebook event circulating for Floatella at M Street Beach. This event never happened. And let us not forget the event pitch of the year – maybe even the decade – for Fright Island – a spooky world Halloween event for the month of October.
The Fright Island proposal included 3-4 Haunted Attractions, 3 outdoor “scare zones” and “Macabre Village” – a food court which would serve beer and wine. Not to mention the Jack-lantern Walk – and “Monster Midway” which consisted of carnival games. This was pitched to the DCR and the DCR was entertaining the idea until the neighborhood went bananas.
After community meetings, letters, emails and phone calls opposing Fright Night, the DCR decided not to approve the permit for the event. Opposition reason ranged from public safety to traffic to the fact Fort Independence is a historic landmark and shouldn’t be used for such an event.
As of Tuesday afternoon, the eventbrite is still active and selling tickets – could this be the Fyre Festival of Southie? We shall see.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
What could go wrong here , hundreds of juveniles invade Carson beach last week for 2 days assaulting police and beach goers. And now this group is putting together this god only knows what up castle island until 11 pm . I guess they are trying to bring back the good old “Southie Day” family day . Sounds like fun
It seems that 98.1 is backing this event, check with them. This looks like a whole lot of trouble and should not be permitted.
Castle Island is for fun and all families, hire a hall somewhere else.
What is wrong with DCR? Castle Island is NOT the site for such an event . They have gotten M St. Beach all wrong with the free drinking and
littering of the neighborhood when they leave. Castle Island and it’s walkways are for families and those who want a pleasant stroll to view some the most beautiful scenery in the city.
Would this event be allowed at or on any other historic property?! Horrible idea! Can’t imagine the brawls, garbage, and noise this would encourage. No, No, NO!!
Did you read the post? it’s not happening. No permit.
WE JUST LOST CASTLE ISLAND FOR GOOD. A few years back, we said NO, NO, NO to this. The Castle Island Assoc, (as I am a member) has spent a lot of time to keep the rodents under control. Bringing this is will be a disaster. I just can not believe that is okay with anyone who lives in South Boston.
Well folks, its a sad day to see this.
I am sick about this.
LOL… i think you should read the comments AND the post… no need to get sick my friend!
Why don’t they bring up in a meeting and see what the people thing .if this event happen I hope that everyone remember this at voting time.