Southie Shoutout: Hero Among Us – Joe Manganaro

0.5 min readBy Published On: October 23rd, 2018Categories: News0 Comments on Southie Shoutout: Hero Among Us – Joe Manganaro

Southie resident Joe Mangararo was honored as a “Hero Among Us” at Monday night’s Boston Celtics game. The 25-year-old Stoughton firefighter was flying to California to complete U.S Marine training, when he witnessed a man on the flight suffer a heart attack. 30,000 feet in the air, Manganaro leapt into action without hesitation.  Using medical supplies on the plane, he inserted an IV while alerting the pilot to make an emergency landing. Once on the ground, the man was rushed to the hospital and has since made a full recovery.

For his quick thinking and lifesaving actions, Manganaro is a Celtics Hero Among Us! Way to go!

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