Southie Real Estate News: 200 Old Colony
In a blink of an eye, the Old Colony Avenue is rapidly transforming from old warehouses and factory buildings into residential developments complete with restaurants and retail.
The large scale, much anticipated, Washington Village has leveled Crown Linens and a vacant block is ready to be developed. Across the street – the old Stadium restaurant is turning into condos and now a developer has proposed replacing the Notre Dame Education Center located at 200 Old Colony Ave. with a six-story building complete with 55 residential units and 9,500 square ground-floor space for the education center.
Here is the letter of intent that has been filed with the Boston Planning and Development Agency.
WOOOOO! Nothing like progress! Don’t forget the proposal for Bell’s Market as well!
No longer a proposal, Good sir. Project is approved, funded and ready to begin demolition and construction!
Let her rip!
Sounds like an amazing project that will continue the arduous task of cleaning up this part of Southie!
Keep it up!
Glad to see some positive projects that will enhance the neighborhood..