South Boston Traffic Safety Meeting

0.4 min readBy Published On: September 20th, 2018Categories: News4 Comments on South Boston Traffic Safety Meeting

A special community meeting will be held on Monday, September 24th at 6:30pm to discuss traffic safety in Southie. Come speak with Public Safety and Transportation Officials as well as the elected officials for an update on pedestrian/bicyclist safety improvements in South Boston.

The meeting will take place at the Tynan Elementary School – 650 E 4th St.

A special “Slow Down” march before the meeting.  Meet at L Street Bathhouse at 5pm.  Wear your “Drive Slow” t-shirts if you have them and bring your signs!


  1. Oldtimesouthie September 20, 2018 at 2:44 pm - Reply

    Hopefully, their will be some answers to the following: 1) 4 WAY STOP SIGNS ON L STREET like EVERY lettered street in SOUTHIE HAS..2) SPEED HUMPS( temporary) at certain intersections on L STREET..3) looking into 24/7 RESIDENT PARKING ( like CHAESTOWN, NORTH END, SOUTH END,BEACON HILL, BACK BAY,ect)..4) look into the possibility of ONE WAY STREETS….5) 20 MPH ( strictly enforced) SPEED LIMITS..6) LARGER SIGNS at the intersection of I STREET & DAY BLVD..prhobiting left turn on I STREET in the AM..

    • Edward September 20, 2018 at 5:06 pm - Reply

      Your use of CAPS is FASCINATING (Hand on chin squinting eyes)

  2. Oldtimesouthie September 21, 2018 at 3:55 am - Reply

    How about my traffic ideas?

  3. sunshine September 25, 2018 at 7:00 am - Reply

    L Street isn’t the only Southie cut – thru street – they have been using O Street coming up from 1st Street (which is 2 way ????) forever as well… then darting across Broadway down O Street to the beach and along the blvd. to get on the expressway….and it seems like there is more traffic now using it because they know of the “new rules” on L Street – this as the cars are flying to and from the island on Broadway – good weather or not…sure there’s a crossing guard at the school during school days but what about taking a look at all of Broadway – and maybe putting some of those speed bumps or humps whatever they are called on different corners of Broadway as well…..

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