“Snow Way!” 6-8 inches coming our way!

0.6 min readBy Published On: February 23rd, 2022Categories: News1 Comment on “Snow Way!” 6-8 inches coming our way!

It’s the old, “See this? Watch out for that!” coming our way.

With spring like temps on Wednesday, we are all breathing a sigh of relief – we’re almost done with winter. But Mother Nature has different plans with potentially 8 inches of snow on Friday.

Snow is expected to start on Friday morning and last through the day and into the night. The worst part of the storm is expected  late morning and early afternoon.

The City of Boston has NOT declared a Snow Emergency. There are NO parking restrictions. Also, spot savers should not be in sue.  Read our Spot Saving guidance. 


One Comment

  1. Frank T February 25, 2022 at 11:46 am - Reply

    No Parking spots free because people are using space savers anyway? No Problem! it’s the weekend, park anywhere you want legal, illegal, sidewalk, intersection, go for it because there is zero parking enforcement during the weekends in South Boston

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