Shooting in South Boston at Thomas Park on Monday Afternoon

BPD responded to a call around 1:10pm for shots fired at G and Sixth Street in South Boston. According to reports, three or four males wearing white hoods and black hoodies in a blue Honda Odyssey shot at van at 49 Thomas Park. No victim has been identified yet.
The car was reported as stolen and has Rhode Island license plates. At some point, the suspect fled the vehicle and police are searching surveillance videos.
More to follow.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
What race are the suspects?
they had masks on.
What race do you think they are ?
It’s a shame what has happened to Southie over the years. I was born and brought up in Southie , got married and was raising my kids in South until FORCED BUSSING started. I was forced to move out so my kids could get a decent and safe education. I absolutely loved Southie, it was a great community with close ties. BUSSING was bad enough but the Tall Ships were a Disaster! That’s when all the yuppies come in and seen what we had here and wanted it. Unfortunately money talked and people walked. Now I wouldn’t move back to a Southie if I was offered a million dollars. It may look better but it’s a very unsafe community. Shootings and muggings never happened in my days in Southie. Southie is gone and it’s never coming back.It’s just so sad .
It’s been a week. Does ‘More to follow’ really mean ‘nothing to see here, move along…’?
Multiple shots fired next to a school at 1 in the afternoon and no authorities have anything to say about anything? You know anarchy is coming when something like this gets so little attention and even less response.