Send some J Pods our way!
Meet George Jetson
Remember watching “The Jetson’s” – the popular futuristic cartoon- wait…are we dating ourselves?….anyway – when you watched “The Jetson’s” you couldn’t wait for the future with its flying cars and robot maids. Well, if City Councilor at-Large Steve Murphy has anything to do about it, J Pods – an elevated transportation system will be coming to the Southie Waterfront. The future is now.
According to the Boston Globe, the Minnesota-based company J Pods president Bill James has been pitching the business around Boston promising it will help with traffic congestion with elevated pods on guided rails.
Murphy believes that it would help after the nightmare winter we had last year, JPods would be a helpful transportation resource zipping commuters from point A to point B above all the snow and traffic.
Now if we could only get cars that fold up into a suitcases we can solve the Southie parking crisis.
To read the full Globe article visit: