Senator Collins + Rep. Biele Release A Joint Statement re: Changes to MBTA Bus Routes in Southie

A few weeks back, officials from the MassDOT and the MBTA launched the MBTA’s new draft network map as part of Bus Network Redesign. It was revealed that there would be some changes to the #7, #10 and #11. Some of the changes has residents upset – in particular the #7 and #11.
Senator Nick Collins and Representative David Biele have released a joint statement voicing their concerns about the changes. You can read it below:
Members of the public can view the draft network bus map online at
What do you think?
Andrew Square Station Meeting
In other MBTA News – the Andrew Square Civic Association has organized a Town Hall-style meeting with the MBTA to address Andrew Square Station – specifically relating to a safe and secure rider experience. large.
On May 5th, ASCA submitted a list of questions to the MBTA to highlight areas of concern and set the stage for a meaningful discussion – see letter below.
You are invited to join Monday, June 27th at 6:30pm (in person or virtually) as MBTA leadership is expected to attend, addressconcerns and be available for Q&A.
In person attendance: Washington Village, 240 Old Colony Ave, Boston, MA 02127 (Corner of Old Colony Ave and Dorchester Street).
Virtual attendance: Zoom meeting link will be available via
To: MBTA Leadership
Steve Poftak, MBTA General Manager
Chief Kenneth Green, MBTA Transit Police
Victoria Ireton, MBTA Public Engagement
Terrie Chan, MBTA Public Engagement
FROM: Andrew Square Civic Association
RE: Andrew Station T Public Transportation Safety and Law Enforcement
DATE: May 5th, 2022
On behalf of the Andrew Square Civic Association, we want to first highlight our gratitude to the MBTA for a such an accessible public transportation system here in Andrew Square. Thank you for all the hard work behind the scenes to offer folks great options to travel around Boston with ease. For all the things that go right every day on the T, we are thankful.
With that said, we would like to raise some pressing concerns and ask for your support in providing definitive feedback, plans for resolution, and a commitment to accountability for a more secure public transportation experience at the Andrew Station T and throughout Boston.
As you know, crime has become a rampant problem in and around the T and especially here in Andrew Square. This has ranged from youth antics, such as gaining control of communication systems at Andrew Station and yelling obscenities, to armed robbery, random acts of violence and assault, and widespread illegal drug use. This has all occurred within the past few months and captures a narrow snapshot of the everyday reality here.
The Andrew Station T is extremely unsafe and is being observed/perceived as such by our community. Describing the Andrew Station T as a “no-go zone,” especially during certain times of day, is an accurate representation of public sentiment here. Many people in our neighborhood have simply stopped using the T.
This is especially concerning considering the PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Planning Initiative, which presumes heavy if not exclusive use of the T. As you know, developments along this corridor benefit from specialized BPDA code requirements significantly decreasing or eliminating parking within/around structures. With giant developments in progress or on the horizon within walking distance to the Andrew Station T, we can expect a significantly larger volume of public transportation riders in this area. The fact that the Andrew Station T is so unsafe undermines all assumptions for transportation in the plan. This cannot be tolerated.
To begin the dialogue, we would like a response to the following:
- What cameras/call buttons/opportunities to contact the police and MBTA personnel are available at the Andrew Station T?
- Are ALL of the abovementioned communication/security devices in operating order? Please confirm yes or no, and if no, please provide the location of all non-operational devices along with a plan and date for resolution.
- Is someone at the MBTA actively monitoring camera content at all times the T is in operation?
- When can we expect MBTA Police Officers to be on site at the Andrew Station T? Could you submit a schedule and number of units/officers?
- Where will MBTA Police Officers be posted? Will any officers be patrolling the platform?
- There is a crowd control issue with rowdy passengers taking the bus and train during certain hours, can the MBTA respond with a plan for providing a safe, accessible, and clear path for all riders to enter Andrew Station?
- Lastly, how do you plan to improve upon the enforcement of the law in and around the T? What type of crimes would trigger an arrest?
Thank you for your priority and attention to these matters. We would like to emphasize our support and partnership in resolving these issues with you.
Lydia Hamilton Polaski, ASCA Liaison to the MBTA
cc: South Boston Elected Officials
Linda Zablocki, ASCA President
Pattie McCormick, ASCA Vice-President

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
I’m hoping someone can get lower cost ( if not free) bus rides here in South Boston for our Senior Citizen’s and low income- I believe the Mayor should open this issue up to more areas then just the one.
Did they confirm (I was not able to attend) that the #7 would only run along 1st street? if that’s the case I am going to write a letter myself.
Inbound, yes, it appears that the 7 would only run along 1st St. However, the outbound route would follow its current path, and the 9 would also follow the current route of the 7, as you can see here.