The mayor says – beware of consumer scams

1.3 min readBy Published On: February 1st, 2016Categories: News0 Comments on The mayor says – beware of consumer scams


Mayor Marty Walsh wants to make sure your not being scammed by people pretending to be from Eversouce.  Never show a stranger your utility bill!  See press release below:

Mayor Martin J. Walsh reminded Boston residents today to be cautious of consumer scams. There have been recent reports of people going door-to-door throughout Boston neighborhoods asking residents to show electric bills, claiming to be with the company Eversource, and sometimes pressuring residents to pay electric bills or face shut-off.

  • If residents encounter the above, it’s possible that it is a scam.
  • Call 911 and report any incidents to the Boston Police Department. 
  • A legitimate utility company typically will not go door-to-door except in the case of an emergency.  
  • Utilities also will not demand that residents pay with a prepaid credit card or be shut-off, or ask to meet at a store that sells such cards, or demand bank information, or use other scare tactics of this type. 
  • Residents are encouraged to never show a utility bill to an unknown party, or reveal private information, as this info can be used maliciously. 

About the Mayor’s Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing
The City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing mediates and advocates on behalf of Boston Consumers.  If you are a Boston consumer and believe you are the victim of an unfair or deceptive business practice, want help resolving a complaint you have against a business, or need general consumer information, contact us at (617)635-3834 or at