Local political events

0.6 min readBy Published On: October 3rd, 2013Categories: News0 Comments on Local political events

in Southie

Mayoral candidate Marty Walsh apparently is a Bruins fan (but really – who isn’t).  He’ll be rubbing elbows with the locals tonight at Touchie’s Shamrock Pub (at the corner of H and 8th) to watch the Bruins season opener tonight at 7:30pm.  Stop by and say hello – but in between periods, gheesh!

City Councilor at-Large candidate and hometown boy Michael Flaherty will be kicking it country-style.  On Sunday, October 13th put on your cowboy boots and head to Stadium (232 Old Colony Ave) and enjoy live music played by Digger Dawg.  Event begins at 7pm.  Suggested donation $25.

If you’re candidate is hosting an event in South Boston, let us know by emailing [email protected].